A little boy and his momma | Cleveland Family Photographer Tess Smith Photography

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Madeline is FOUR and very very fancy | Cleveland Children's Photographer

My sweet Madeline turned four yesterday. She walked downstairs in the morning and she asked me if she was four yet. I replied with "yes. how does it feel?" to which she said "it feels amaaaaazing."

Madeline asked for a Fancy Nancy party. Feathers, glitter, sequins, flowers, sparkles... I could do this. I cleared out the Christmas stuff and started decorating straight away. We've been living amongst pink and sparkles for weeks now. I have a 2 month old and I really wanted Madeline to feel special. Her birthday party is SO close to Christmas and she has 2 younger siblings, I didn't want her birthday to get swept away in all the craziness we've been going through. I felt that decorating early would be a good idea so I could accomplish everything I wanted to. It wasn't just a good idea it was a GREAT idea.

Also pictured on the table are wallflowers created using a tutorial on MADE. 

Each little lady had a butterfly mask, Glittery crowns, a giant diamond ring, a pink feather boa, a sweet little tutu and ring pops.

I made bakerella's cake pops. They were a big hit. Candy coated cake? Yes, please! I made Meg's rainbow cupcakes. Except they weren't exactly rainbow. They were pink, lavender and turquoise. I don't think I captured a photo of them but they were YUMMY!

I wish I could have invited all my friends. But again, I wanted this party to be special for Madeline so the guest list was entirely her creation. She invited all of her very best friends. It just so happens that all of her friends have great parents so we all had a good time.

 The little girls (and Madeline's little brother... sorry Jack) all dressed up and listened to Madeline's grandma read Fancy Nancy.

 All the little ones then had their nails and make-up done. Sparkly pink lip gloss, blush, and sparkly pink nail polish. Very Fancy.

Then they sat down for a special tea time. Without tea. I just wasn't sure if her friends would enjoy tea. So we had pink lemonade with heart ice cubes in fancy wine glasses. (How cute is Jack up there sitting with all the ladies in his hot pink bow tie. He's such a stud. And his birthday party will be ALL boy. Poor little guy.)

Doesn't Jack look super cute in his bowtie? I had a custom order through Dooties Booties on etsy.
 Next... came PRESENTS!!! Her friends were VERY generous. And they all seem to know her so well. Each gift was PERFECT for her. She has an amazing time.

Below is Miss Chloe. It was also her birthday. Her momma is my very dear friend Carrie. She's ever so crafty and makes THE COOLEST baby and momma goodies over at Maternal Nest.

And lastly my sweet little Felicity. She's sportin a super cute headband I made before the party started using THIS tutorial. She needed to get fancy, too.


  1. OMgoodness that is one awesome party, she is getting so big. Is that the same Carrie from Cafemom?

  2. WoW. I love this party.
    My girl will be turning 4 next and I am so inspired to do something like this for her next birthday.
    I love it - and for sure she will too.
    Can I ask where you got the masks from or did you make them?

    ps. found you through under the sycamore ;)

  3. Photos like these make me wish I had at least one little girl. :(

    BTW, I LOVE the shots on the logo.

    Yanet of 3 SKBs

  4. i bought the masks at target in the party aisle. i nearly didn't get them because they were $1 a piece and I had already spent so much but the girls liked them so much and they really fit with the fancy nancy theme.
    she had so much fun. i think 4 is a great age to throw a birthday party. my daughter really understood everything and felt very special.
    thanks for the comments!
